Well made it back to the deer lease this morning. A cool front has made it here . Still was muggy when I left home this morning. It should be a nice couple of days. I put a new timer on a deer feeder then walked in the woods to a tree climber I had . Found some fresh scrapes on a ridge and moved the climber there. Sat there for about an hour enjoying the morning. Went back to camp and talked with John Callahan. He and I are the only two here today. Just goofed off the rest of the day replanting a little rye grass and putting out some fertilizer.
Great White Amercian Scout |
Got up Friday morning to 44 degrees. It sure is nice to have a little cool weather. John is leaving this morning to go to a army reunion for the Korean war. Will just be me here for most of the day. I took about a 3 hour stroll thru the woods this morning. Up and down canyons and ridges. Whew I use to do the easily when I was younger. Found places that I am not gonna hunt. To hard to get to these spots for me now. Went back to camp and rested. Susan went to a sewing class and will be here around 5 pm. I took the boys Green Monster ( 4 wheel drive deer lease truck) for a spin. Still afraid it might strand me somewhere, its got a new carburetor coming. Put some more fertilizer out. Mike and Lavonna came up for a little while. We saw a buck chasing a doe from camp. When Susan got here I cleaned up and we went out to eat for supper since it was only us today. Late that evening Randy and Jan showed up.
It was still cool on Saturday morning. I walked the woods and put up a pop-up blind. I saw 5 deer on my travels thru the woods which is a lot for us here in east texas. had to hurry back because Susan and I had to go to Ashleys birthday party. Rick and Slyvia showed up before we left. When we got back to the lease we just sat around camp .. Lil Rick and his family showed up so right before dark we cut a dead pine which was ready to fall on Ricks trailer. Some were worried but we managed to get it on the ground just like we had planned. Sometimes our plans work.We then all had supper and chilled out the rest of the night.
New Pop Up Blind |
Dead Pine Tree |
Sitting around the camp |
It really warmed up Sunday morning. We didn't do much but clean up and headed home. We wont be back next week as we are babysitting Grandkids tuesday thru sunday.