About Me

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Susan retired from education in May 2011 and I retired in December 2011 . We are not full timers but do travel a lot. We enjoy traveling around the country. There are many beautiful places in the USA and we are going to try and see all of them while we can.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jan 19 -24 Babysittting and Ice Day

 We stayed at Kristi's all week, I went over Sunday night and Susan stayed home and went to the hospital the next morning. It could have been funny cause I just happened to as Kristi how long it would take to get to the hospital from her house and that's when I found out that she wasn't going to Texas Women's but to St Luke's in the Woodlands. I called Susan and caught her just as she was going to bed and let her know. The surgery went fine and Kristi came home that night. We spent the rest of the week shuffling kids around to school and activities. Kristi was doing better each day so her recovery is going well. We had some weather coming in on Friday with possible snow/ice/sleet. Mackenna did the blessing at supper Thursday night and also put in a little wish about no school for Friday.  I got up early Friday morning and Kenna's wish had come true , all the school district's in Houston and surrounding areas closed. I took Maggie for a quick walk as we were getting ice pellets instead of rain drops. All the bridges and overpasses were closed. Lots of wrecks everywhere. It was noon before you could get on the roads comfortably. Mike Z mother Carol came over to stay until Sunday and Susan and I headed home for a break. We have no trips planned until the end of Feb when we go to Canton for a few days. 
Snow at Toledo Bend  George and Delilahs house

Kenna giving me a pool lesson

Sammi  Ashley

Sammi is entertaing at the Doctors office

Just one of the reasons I hate Houston
Getting a little exercise

Peytons first snow in  Bryan

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan 19 2014 Home and Gone

We got up this morning and eased over to the house. The floor was all down just needed the trim. Major problems still with the door. Mike Z and James were still planning their attack on that particular problem. We hooked up and headed home. We arrived about noon and started unloading the clothes from the trailer and washing. I took the fith wheel hitch out of my truck and put up until next month. Kevin came by and visited awhile.I started packing a few clothes to take to Kristi:s.  Susan decided to stay home and go directly to the hospital in the morning. I keft and went by Moms to visit and got to Kristis about 7.  We will be baysitting and transporting grandkids for a couple of weeks while Kristi recuperates from surgery. 
Sammi and I are chilling

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Jan 18 2014 New Floors

We had a little quiet time this morning before Mackenna and Ashley showed up. We went into the house and had coffee and visited with everyone. After a little breakfast Mike Z and James started moving everything from the dining area,kitchen, and washroom out on the back deck. They got started putting down a new laminate wood floor. Susan, Joan and the girls went shopping at a little store in town. I stayed out of the way and watched. I really couldn't do much anyway as my back and knees wouldn't last.  We basically stayed out of the way all day. I cooked a ham and some sausage for supper. Susan did some vegetables. Mackenna did some practice shooting with her 22. She is getting to be a very good shot. The flooring started slow but took off later. They ran into a snag as the door was dragging on the new floor . The will tackle that issue tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor.
Kristi & Lexi

Mike Z and James


Getting new floor

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jan 17 2014 Travel Day to Riverside

Susan was actually getting around pretty good this morning. I thought that after her fall last night that she might not be too spry. we got dressed and went to see Peyton before we left. He was up and as usual happy. Susan fed him a bottle and he just jabbered to us for awhile . She checked his teeth out and he has a least 4 coming in. We left and went back, hooked up the trailer and got on the road. We were headed to Kristi & Mikes lakehouse in Riverside. Its only about an hour and a half including a stop at Subway. I got the trailer backed into their drive which is a little tough due to their neighbors mailbox.  It was a beautiful day. After resting a little bit we headed to Trinity. I dropped Susan off at a quilt shop and I went to Brookshire Brothers to get chili fixings.  Kristi and the girls plus grand dog Lexi arrived later that evening.  Mike got in a little later. We went to bed before friends James/Joan arrived.

An uneasy truce between Maggie and Lexie
A pretty day at the lake

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jan 16 2014 Bryan and a Fall

We piddled around the trailer this morning before heading over to see Peyton. He was up and ready to play. Susan and Kristen went shopping and I kept Peyton. They came back after successfully finding a set of chester drawers for Peyton at a reasonable price. They rearranged his room and then Peyton took a nap. I ran a few errands and went back to the trailer and took Maggie for a walk.  Headed back to Kyles for the evening.  We didn't cook this evening just brought food from the Cotton Patch.  Peyton was still up when we headed home. Susan tripped on the driveway and had a nasty fall. Luckily she didn't really hurt anything. She had a bad scrape on elbow and knee but no broken bones. I think she will be sore tomorrow, but it could have been worse.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jan 15,2014 Another Travel Day to Byran

We got up this morning and started getting ready to leave. I took care of all the outside items and Susan did the inside. We decided to go get some breakfast and fuel up before hooking the trailer up. Susan picked the Bowling Club Café for breakfast.  We got back hooked up and made one final check, then on the road we were. Its only about a three hour drive. We arrived around 2:30 and checked in at the trailer park we always stay at. After we settled in we headed over to see Peyton. He was taking a nap when we got there. He got up about 30 minutes later. He is really growing. Peyton is cutting teeth right now so he is slobbering  ,running a little fever  and a little diarrhea.  He is still happy and likes to play with you. We left around 8 as I was tired and ready to lay down and read.  On another note we found out that Kristi is going to have surgery {female issues} Monday morning. She had gone to the doctor earlier in the week for her pain and the Dr said surgery was needed.  We are going to meet them at the lake Friday.

Slobbering on Nana
Yea, I made it back from my dr appointment

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jan 14, 2014 Our Last Day

We woke up this morning to 33 degrees. First chilly morning this week. It warmed up quickly once the sun got up. We lounged around till we decided to get up and go somewhere. We ate breakfast at a little place called the Chess Club Café. Its located in a small house and only open for breakfast and lunch. It was really really good. Every little place we have eaten at around here has been surprisingly good. After breakfast we decided on our destination. It was the Twin Sisters Winery in Sisterdale. We drove thru some pretty country to get there. The winery was in an old cotton gin. They started in business in 1988. We took a little tour of their wine making facilities.  Then we did a tasting of their wine. Of course we found several that we liked. Once we left we took another country road back home. We  just chilled at the trailer the rest of the day. I grilled chicken and vegetables for supper.

Barrels and Barrels of Wine
Twin Sisters Winery
Chess Club Cafe

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Jan 13,2013 A Good Day in Blanco

It was a really nice morning again so Maggie and I walked the entire park. We saw a few birds but no deer. When I got back Susan and I headed to the Town Square. First order of business was to get some breakfast. We picked The Bowling Club Café. Yes it is a 9 pin bowling alley with a nice café. I really liked this place. We left there and parted ways, Susan shopped till she dropped and I wandered thru the old courthouse and then a nice city park. We met back at the truck and headed to Johnson City. There wasn't much open there so after only one shop back home we headed.  Tomorrow we may go to some more winery's.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jan 12,2014 Lazy Day

It was another nice morning. Maggie and I took a long walk along the river this morning. I have seen people fishing but I have seen no fish. The water is clear and I thought I might see some trout along the rocks in the shallows but the only thing I saw were ducks.  When we got back Susan and I headed to do our laundry. After getting that done we grabbed a bite to eat and took a drove thru the country. We drove some pretty back roads, went thru Luckenbach and then to Fredricksburg  and back home. There must be 15 winery's in this area now but we didn't stop at any of them. The rest of the evening we just watched a movie and I grilled steak/sausage for supper.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan 11, 2014 A Beautiful Day

This was the kind of January weather I have been looking for. The low was about 44 and the high was 75 with clear blue skies and sunshine. On our second walk this morning Maggie and I met two neighbors, one from Canada and the other from Michigan.  They both have been coming to Texas for the winter for several years. I took Susan into the town square so she could shop till she dropped and I came back to the park. This park was built in 1933 and most of the buildings were constructed by the CCC.  They have some wonderful live oak trees in this park with lots of birds and squirrels . Its a quiet park in the winter but probably hopping in the summer time being right on the river. I headed back to the town square as I was going to tour their courthouse.  Susan called me on the phone and she was almost back to the park. I went and picked her up and we went back to El Puerta for lunch. I really like the food in this place. We made a drive in the countryside along the river and headed back to the park. We just chilled there the rest of the day.  The cedar pollen is a record high today and Susan is beginning to get cedar fever again. This is the first trip it has ever affected her but lots of people around here are getting tore up by their allergies .  I am so glad it doesn't bother me.
Low Water Dam

Maggie is working on her tan
Low water crossing

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jan 10, 2014 Blanco State Park

We got up this morning to a light drizzle. We were in no hurry to load up as we only had about a 40 minute drive. We got on the road and arrived at Blanco about 11:20. This is a small park but very pretty. It sits just on the edge of town along the Blanco river. You have to cross a low water crossing to get to the rv sites. After we got set up we headed to town for a light lunch. We stopped at a little place called El Puerta. It was really good. We headed back and walked around the park. We built a  nice fire and sat outside till dark.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Jan 9 2014-------Finally A Nice Day

We woke up this morning to warm temperatures. It started out very foggy and overcast. Later around noon the sky cleared and the sun came out. Susan decided to do some winter cleaning in the trailer this morning. She cleaned out all the cabinets and rearranged. We were able to get rid of a few things we don't use. We sat outside for awhile enjoying the weather. Everyone was walking their dogs today. Our neighbor has a Great Dane who loves to be outside. He never wants to go back in and it funny to watch her entice him back inside. After a light lunch we went to Sattler to the Post Office and then drove up to the dam. It was a nice view and a good place to walk. We went back home and just piddled around. I was able to grill outside for supper so I fixed Salmon with dirty rice. Tomorrow we are going to move to Blanco State Park.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jan 8,2014 A Dreary Wet Day

It warmed up nicely this morning, but when Maggie and I went outside it was drizzling. Oh well it was much better than the last few days. When it got daylight I put my awning back out, it had been up due to the high winds we have had. We headed to Camping World in the morning to pick up a hot water heater door I ordered. We then went to New Braunfels and looked for a small chester drawer for Peyton but no luck there. We drove back to Gruene. Even though the weather was nasty there were a lot of people. They just keep adding shops and buildings to this place, It has changed a lot over the years, not for the better as far as I can see. We tried a new small cantina for lunch. My first and last time for that place, it wasn't so bad but it wasn't so good either. We left there and drove River Road back to Sattler and headed home. We just watched tv and read the rest of the day.
Susan & Maggie chilling
It stayed this way all day

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Jan 7,2014 A really Cold Start--Driftwood Winery

It was 15 degrees when I got up this morning. The only good thing was the wind was not blowing. We did have clear skies and the sunrise was very pretty. It warmed up enough about 9 am so Maggie and I took a very nice walk. One of my neighbors was walking his dog and he had on just a light sweater. He told me " Yaa, Its nippy here but its -22 back home with lots of snow."   I guess this does feel good to him.  When I got back Susan and I loaded up and went to Camping World and Cabala's. I had to order a new hot water heater door panel for my trailer and then at Cabala's we bought some new lounge chairs and some hiking shoes. It clouded up and the wind started blowing again. After a brief stop at Wally World we drove the backroads and ended up in Driftwood. There is a winery there and we did a wine tasting.Its a really pretty place on top of a small mountain. It was a nice drive back to the trailer. Because of the wind I once again tried our microwave pressure cooker. This time I made chicken and wild rice. It turned out great, I am impressed with this little cooker. The weather is supposed to get warmer now and we are sure glad. Hope to be able to get outside tomorrow. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Jan 6 2014 A Cold Dreary Day

It was cold when I  woke up this morning. The temperature was 21 and the wind was blowing. The sky stayed overcast almost all day.  We didn't do much but finally took a drive around the hill country. We went to Blanco and checked out the state park there. We are going to move there on Friday. On Monday all the shops are closed down in the small towns. We headed back to the trailer. Susan did some rearranging in the cabinets and I read. Late in the afternoon the wind slowed down a little and Maggie and I took a walk. There were several people out walking the dogs. One our neighbors have a Great Dane, good thing they have a large motorhome. For supper we tried out a microwave pressure cooker. I made a beef stew with potato's,carrots,and mushrooms. I was a little leary but 30 minutes of cooking and 12 minutes of standing and it was done. It turned out great. It makes enough for 2-3 people.  This will be a good alternative on nights when I cant cook outside. We are going to hunker down again tonight as it supposed to be in the teens.
That is Willie--Looks excited to be out on such a cold day
No one was out this morning

Monday, January 6, 2014

Jan 5, 2014 Here comes the Wind

I woke up this morning when the artic blast arrived. The wind shifted from the south to the North, It was blowing 20-25 mph steady. It stayed that way all day. The temperature wasn't really that cold but the wind just cut thru you. We didn't do much today outside. We did take a drive down River Road, Its pretty with all the leaves gone and the water was sparkling in the sunshine. Of course I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures. We drove thru Gruene and it was packed with people. Just didn't see any reason to stop and mix with the crowd. One of my favorite local artists  will be playing there tomorrow evening so I may come back.  We went back to the trailer and just read or watched tv the rest of the night. I disconnected my water hose and drained it because its supposed to get down to 23 tonight. We also put the bedroom slide in because the wind was blowing the toppers so bad you couldn't sleep. That's the first time I have ever done that.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jan 4 2014 Laundry Day

It was a nice morning when I got up. It was about 50 with no wind. The sunrise was great with no clouds just blue skies. I was able to cook breakfast outside for the first time. We sat and soaked in the sun. One of our neighbors from Minnesota stopped and talked with us for awhile. The wind started blowing pretty good but it was still nice in the sun. Two of our other neighbors (from North Dakota & Texas) were headed to Luckenbach for the day. Us on the other hand had to go do laundry. We drove to Sattler and got that accomplished. Susan made a few thrift shops in the area looking for a small chester drawer for Peyton. When we got back to the trailer I rigged up a tarp to keep the wind off us while we could sit out.  Right before dark we took Maggie on a nice walk and then retired for the evening. Its supposed to get cold tomorrow for a couple of days.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jan 3 2014 Travel day to Canyon Lake

Brrr, it was cold when I got up this morning, 19 degrees. Still had water in the trailer but we were running on our tank. Glad I disconnected and drained my hookup hose as later that morning I saw several people with hair dryers trying to thaw out there water hoses. It turned out to be a beautiful day with all sunshine. We loaded up and moved to Potters Creek COE at Canyon Lake. It took us all of about an hour and a half.  The northwest part of the park is closed till the 14. That's where we normally stay so we are in the first come first serve part. We have a nice sunny spot with a nice lake view out of our bay window. That's a good thing cause the wind is blowing. There will not be any campfires unless the wind lays.  We met some of our neighbors while hooking up, one couple knew us because they were friends with Bill & Earlene Logan whom we had met last summer in Arkansas. Bill & Earline were here earlier but had to go back home to Kansas to deal with some health issues. We had hoped to see them here. After getting set up I started working on some of my tech problems. I was on the phone with both Dish and Winegard for a couple of hours. I believe now that something is wrong with my Winegard portable Carryout dish. It is locking on to the wrong satellite. it will scan all the satellite's and I see good signal  but then locks on to the wrong one. I will spend more time with Winegards tech support tomorrow.  The other problem I have is the reason there haven't been any pictures on my blog. Any picture I try to download from my email downloads as a htm file on my computer. When I try to open it I get my yahoo email page back. I have no clue how this has happened. I have downloaded the same way for the last two years.I will have to use my camera cut I don't always have it on me. While I think I will get my dish going I am afraid that my computer issue will have to wait until I find someone who knows what they are doing.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Jan 2,2014 San Antonio RV Show

I didn't sleep well last night which is unusual for me. It seems that I am starting to get up a little later each day also. Anyway it was about 6:15 when I got up and the temperature was about 35 with a brisk wind, Maggie's first walk wasn't very long . As the sun came up you could tell it was going to be a beautiful day. Susan and I decided to run into San Antonio and go to the RV show. We are  not buying but like to look. We usually see at least one new floor plan that we like and this show was no different. We went in trailers that cost from 13,000 to 130,000.  We actually found a bumper pull trailer that we really liked but I doubt if I would ever go back to a bumper pull. I would like to be no longer than 36 ft on a new firth wheel.  We found two floor plans that we really liked. One was a Cardinal that was just a little over 36 ft. The other was a BlueRridge that also had an outdoor kitchen. I really want the outdoor kitchen so this would have been my pick today. We had thought about going to Bass Pro when we left the show but we were just too tired. We headed on home. I started picking up a few outside items getting them arranged to load. We are leaving tomorrow and headed to Canyon Lake. We had a leftover supper, I took chicken,pork,peppers,onions and rice . Sauteed the veggies and then added the dirty rice and meat and let them cook for awhile. Turned out great..

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jan 1 2014 New Years Day

The first day of the year was a pretty, sunny day here. We both slept late, for us anyway. My back was feeling much better after a good nights rest. We piddled around for awhile then headed to the Academy store that was close to us. This store had some good sales and both Susan and I got some shirts. We left there and headed back  to the trailer for lunch. We got Maggie and took a nice walk down to Onion Creek and the Falls. Lots of people were out and Maggie met several people. The creek was running nicely but a little to cold to go swimimg.  Back in November they had lots of rain and the creek really flooded. You could still see the debris high in the trees along the bank. It must have been an amazing sight to see. When we got back I sat in a sunny spot and read for awhile.  We might go to San Antonio tomorrow to the RV show. We are not buying but like to look.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

12/31/13 Last Day of theYyear

I got up this morning feeling better as far as my cold is going, cough is almost gone and talking much better. Unfortunately my back is not so well. Yesterday when I was in Camping World. I was checking different generators for their weight to see what I could handle and now I know. Old age not always fun. We got ready and headed to Cabala":s. It is one of my favorite stores to go to. You used to be able to get some good deals on after Christmas sales but not anymore. Po Boys need not come here. I hobbled around for a couple of hours and only bought a compass. Susan found a couple of pair of shoes and a few shirts. We then went to a little Mexican restaurant in old downtown Buda and had a light lunch. We left there and went to a thrift shop that Abby had told Susan about but didn't find anything there. Back to the trailer to rest. The sun finally came out and it turned into a pretty day. I took my satellite dome apart and watched it work. It is definitely locking on to the wrong satellite. I will call Winegard Thursday for a little tech help. Susan, Maggie and I took a nice little walk and then sat by the fire till dark. I grilled chicken and veggies for our New Years Eve supper.

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