We left Double Lake the second day as we had a tragedy in our family. Our great-niece Nori who was just two months old passed away during the night. In my lifetime we have never had a child pass away in our family. We went to Round Rock on Thursday for the funeral . There are no words that can express the way we feel. Our prayers will continue for Nick and Abby, they are a strong couple but the days ahead will be difficult.
In the meantime we still had Sammi till her family got home from Africa. Susan found some of her friends to keep her for two nights as we went to Round Rock. She did have fun with her friends. We also took her to a movie one day to entertain her. She watched a lot of movies and played the rest of the time. Sammi and I picked up Mike/Kristi/Kenna/Ashley at the airport on Sunday evening. They were all very tired from the long flight from Africa with no layovers. We stopped and ate on the way back to their house as they just wanted to go to bed when they got home. Poor Ashley got sick on the way to the house, she was just so tired.
We have been getting lots of rain and in between rains I tried to get the yard mowed. My lawn tractor steering has been getting hard to turn and finally stripped the gears. I replaced the gears and found that the original problem was the right front wheel spindle. Nothing went well on my repairs and I ended up rebuilding the front end . I also broke a part on my accelerator rod on the transmission. I had to order that part. Simple part but may not be simple to change. I'm waiting till Kyle comes this weekend to see what he says.
Tropical Storm Cindy tried to visit us but we were on the dry side and didn't get any rains from her but we have had plenty of rain anyway. My pasture is really high and I will need at least a week of no rain before I can mow. Kevin is in Pennsylvania working. He has been working in Houston for over a year. He got a call from a buddy about an opening with his company and he jumped on it. He had to leave pretty quick but so far he like it up there. We have his dogs to look after while he is gone. When we travel Kyle is going to take them. They are good young dogs but they miss Kevin. I leave them down in Kevins yard but bring them to mine most every day to play with them.
Sammi and Sissy chilling |
Sammi |
Kyle sent this picture of Luke and Peyton |
Jen sent this picture of John and Holly playing on my tractor |
The pipe yard Kevin is working at |
Hope this goes back together |
Rex and Max |
Playing |