About Me

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Susan retired from education in May 2011 and I retired in December 2011 . We are not full timers but do travel a lot. We enjoy traveling around the country. There are many beautiful places in the USA and we are going to try and see all of them while we can.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

6/29/2018 Another Wine Day

The mornings here have been warm but compared to the rest of the day they have been pretty nice, I talked to Lou this morning and Susan and I went and visited with her. Around 11:00 we met up with Jamie and Belinda at the Mount Bethel Winery. This another place that I enjoy especially with the history of the place. After leaving there we went to the Post Winery. We left there and got a bite to eat at the Owl Roost, not much on looks but they make a great cheeseburger. We then headed up the mountain to Chateau Aux Arc for a little more wine tasting. Then we went to  Dionysus Wine & Brew, a little bitty place further up the mountain.  After that we changed gears and drove to Mulberry to another quilt shop in the middle of no where .We finally headed home.
Post Winery
Mt Bethel Winery

Friday, June 29, 2018

June 28,2018 A Wine Day

The mornings are still fairly nice. We sat outside and watched the world go by. After breakfast we  headed out with Jamie and Belinda. We drove to Paris to find a quilt shop, what  a shocker. Finally found it in the middle of nowhere. Jamie and I just stayed in the truck cause the only place to visit would have been the chicken barn. When we left there we headed to Cowie Winery. We had never been there before. it was a quaint little place. There was a yard full of bells and a small chapel. We tasted a little wine there and bought a few bottles. Lunch was our next order of business and we found a nice little café in Paris to eat. A very friendly place and good food. Next up on our list was Wiederkehr Winery. This is one of our favorite places. We did another little round of wine tasting and then bought lots of wine. We left there and visited the old church up there on the mountain. It is a beautiful church. After that we headed home wore out and tired. We just chilled inside the rest of the evening.
our morning visitors
Cowie Winery

Cowie Winery ,  The Small Chapel,  The owner Bob  has his wifes ashes interned under that bell 

Wiederkehr Winery

Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 27,2018 Heat Wave Has Made It Here

The morning started out pretty nice . We sat outside and enjoyed all the birds singing. There was a gaggle of geese that took a stroll past our camp. We had a tugboat pushing a barge come thru the locks on  the river. I scrambled some eggs and sausage for breakfast. Jamie came down and ate. Belinda was feeling bad and he had to take her to the ER here in Ozark. She had sun poisoning (from previous outing to Artesian Springs) so they gave her a steroid pack and antibiotics. Susan and I made a run to the store and then did a little sight seeing in the country. When we got back it was starting to really warm up. We both took a little nap. It finally hit a 100 degrees at 5:00. Our trailer is in full evening sun so the ac was struggling. It still felt good inside compared to the outside temp. Belinda was feeling better and we went down there for the evening. Their trailer has good shade but we sat inside and visited till about 7, Jamie and I then went out and started grilling fajita meat for supper. We had a fairly nice evening out and headed home about 9:30 pm. I took Maggie for her evening stroll. We had a full moon coming up.
Watching the river traffic


The view of the dam and lock from an overlook

Our trailer is about in the middle of this picture

almost to a 100

Supper time

Nice moon coming up

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 26,2018 Made it to Ozark

I got up pretty early and took Maggie for a walk. In her old age she cannot see or hear as good as she used to.  There were several squirrels that went unmolested. Since I didn't unhook the trailer last night it was easy for me to get ready to pull out. As we were in no hurry we didn't get on the road till about 9. It was another easy drive even though most of it was narrow 2 lanes. We made one stop for breakfast and another for fuel. We arrived in Ozark about 2. We got set up and happily for Susan I got satellite tv quickly..Our spot doesn't have any evening shade so I put the awning out to help trailer cool off. Susan took a nap and I went and visited with Jamie. They arrived here yesterday and have a nice shady spot . When Susan got up I went back home and then took e a little nap, That evening we went back down to Jamie/Belinda for supper. Jamie grilled some sausage and we just had wraps. I could tell on my phone radar that we might get some rain. I went and put my awning up and came back. about an hr later as Jamie and I were sitting out we could see that the storm would miss us, Well the rain missed us but all of a sudden we started getting 30-40 mph winds, we barely got his awning up before we lost it. No rain but it dropped the temperature about 20 degrees and it sure felt good. We headed back home around 9. Late night for me.
Our site

Watching the trains go by

Jamie/Belinda"s  spot

They have a covered table

Maggie watching the boat traffic

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 25,2018 On the Road Again,

Our plans changed a week ago. Instead of heading to the Rockies we decided to go to Arkansas. Its been awhile since we have traveled to Arkansas. We are headed to Ozark first. There are four wineries in the area that we love to go to and I have some kinfolk around there. We are gong to meet Jamie & Belinda there tomorrow. I don't like making long drives any more so about 6 hrs is enough for me. We left home about 8:45 am.  Our first stop was at Stripes because I like their tacos. After filling my belly we eased on down the road. We had a nice easy drive and not a lot of traffic.  One thing for sure it was law enforcement day. We probably saw 13-14 police,troopers and county boys.  The little town of Corrigan topped the list with 4 cars in a two mile stretch thru town.  2 had cars pulled over and the others were looking. We decided to spend the first night at Lake Wright Patnam near Texarkana. The first COE we stopped at was Piney Point, its an old park and small.We found a spot to fit in but when we went back to the office the lady said the water was shut off due to repairs. She had called Rocky Point and secured a spot for us there. We headed over there and its a much bigger and prettier park. We got a nice pull thru and I didn't even unhook the truck. The only thing with lots of shade is I couldn't get a satellite signal so no tv. Susan watched a movie and I read.  Tmorrow we will make it to Ozark. Should only take about 5 hours

Sunday, June 17, 2018

June 9-15 Blanco State Park

Kristi ,Kenna, and Ashley headed to Africa on their annual mission trip and Sammi came to stay with us while they are gone. We packed up and headed to Blanco to camp for a few days. We love the park there because its small and right on the river. We arrived on Sunday after an easy drive. The park was full with a lot of day folks. We got everything set up and headed to the river to swim. The water felt really good. It was always nice in the mornings until about noon and then got pretty hot. It cooled down in the evening around 7 and was nice to sit out. Jamie and Belinda came up on Tuesday and was able to get a site across the street from us.  Our daily ritual was to get up in the morning and sit outside to watch the deer, squirrels and birds. Somewhere around nine we would cook breakfast. Sometimes we would head to the river and swim then come back for lunch and a nap.  We always swam in the river in the evenings.  We cooked supper every night and then just chilled. One morning we did go to the Chess Club for breakfast. Susan, Belinda and Sammi also visited a quilt shop. It was just a relaxing time.
Susan made a quilt and curtains for our bedroom

Headed to Africa

They made it

Headed to Blanco State Park

We made it

Sammi hand painting nad Maggie watching

Low water crossing into Blanco State park

Blanco River

Early morning walk along the river

Axis deer feeding on tree limbs

Jamie, Belinda,Sammi & Susan eating at the Chess Club

Susan, Jamie, Belinda just chilling


Last stop on the way home

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