About Me

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Susan retired from education in May 2011 and I retired in December 2011 . We are not full timers but do travel a lot. We enjoy traveling around the country. There are many beautiful places in the USA and we are going to try and see all of them while we can.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Feb 23-27 2025 Mill Creek

 The weather has been crappy for a couple of weeks.  The weatherman said it was going to be nicer so we decided to take a quick trip. We had never been to Mill Creek on Lake Sam Rayburn so we decided to try it out.  We left on Sunday, supposedly the weather was supposed to clear up but it didn't. It's only about a 2 1/2 hour drive for us.  It misted and stayed pretty cool the whole way.  I was able to set up without getting wet.  We had a nice waterfront site but is was unlevel. It took every board I had to get trailer level.  Since the weather was nasty we decided to go to a nearby Mexican food place near the dam.  It turned out to be a pretty good place.  Monday morning when I got up it was a little nippy. I went outside to change over propane tanks and somehow twisted the handle off.  I got a pair of needle nose pliers and then proceeded to twist the needle valve off the regulator.  Not able to get propane on.  Since I had left our electric heater at home I headed to Jasper .  Walmart opened at 6:00 am and I was the second customer in. Picked up a small heater and was back at the trailer by 6:30 am.  It was enough to keep the trailer warm.  It was a very foggy morning and it didn't"t clear up till about 11:am.  It kept everything damp and wet outside. Cooper and I got in about a 2 mile walk. Susan had her sewing machine set up and she just sewed.  That evening we went into Jasper to eat at The Cedar Tree Restaurant.  They had a great buffet and very reasonable. That evening we had a great sunset with a little happy hour by the fire pit.  Tuesday morning I cooked breakfast outside as the weather was much nicer.  After breakfast we went and visited my second cousin John Callahan.  He is 96 and lives with his daughter in Rayburn country.  He is still able to get around and walks a mile everyday. We had a good visit.  That evening I cooked hamburgers for supper and we had another great sunset.  One of our camping neighbors stopped by and visited. They are from Wisconsin and just down here beating the cold up north. Wednesday morning was again a little nicer and I cooked breakfast outside again. We didn't go anywhere and just relaxed around camp all day. Cooper and I made several walks.  That evening was a repeat performance.  Thursday morning we got up packed up and headed home.  It was a nice quiet trip. Our next trip will be the grandsons camping during spring break.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Jan 16-19, 2025 Lake Somerville & Volleyball

We left on Thursday for Lake Somerville. Sammi has a volleyball tournament in Bryan Saturday and Sunday. Our plans were to stay till Tuesday depending on the weather.  We stopped in Chappell Hill to eat lunch and I bought some link sausage.  We got to Yegua Park about 2 pm.  There was only one other camper in our loop.   Susan set up her sewing machine and we just chilled the rest of the evening. Lots of deer came out and fwd in the meadow beside us. Friday the weather was really nice. Cooper and I took several walks. That evening we met Mike/Kristi and the girls for supper. We had a fun time. Saturday morning the cold weather moved in. We went to Bryan around 7:30 and didn't"t get home till 4:30.  Sammis team played well.  We were really tired when we got back. The weather forecast was for really bad weather hitting Monday night at home.  We decided to get up Sunday and go on home. Sunday morning it was about 29 with 30 mph winds. It rocked the trailer all night. It was miserable outside hooking up. We made it home about noon. I got the trailer unloaded and the drained all the water for the upcoming freeze. They are forecasting snow for Monday night and Tuesday,

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