On Sunday I head to Bryan to pick up Peyton and Luke for the week. I drove my new truck to check out the gas milage. I managed 15.8 mpg which was about what I was expecting. Thats a lot lower than my old truck and will take some getting used to. When we got home the boys were ready to play. I put them a load of dirt in the backyard and they went to digging and playing with there trucks.
They played out all day till about 5:30 and I made them come in. We had supper and they got their baths then chilled till bed time. They got up Monday morning about 7:00 am. They played with their inside toys while I cooked breakfast. Susan left early to go to some meeting she had. The boys and I ran errands most of the morning. When we got home they played outside most of the day. I managed to to do a little pasture mowing but its still wet in places. The boys played hard all day, that night Peyton was ready to go to bed by 7:30 pm. put them down about 8 and they went to sleep pretty fast. Tuesday morning the boys got up about six ready to rumble. I fixed an early breakfast because they were hungry. They played indoors because we were going to an early movie. We saw " Onward" which was an animated film. They really enjoyed it. When we got home they played outside and I was able to get a little pasture mowing done. Wednesday we ran some errands in town and went ti the city park and let them play for awhile. Thursday we decided to go to Gator World. Susans knee was really bothering her so she stayed home. Peyton and Luke really enjoyed that place. They got to see a lot of gators and snakes, also they have some goats rabbits and chickens to pet. They have a little educational program also. You also get to watch them feed some huge alligators. Friday we just stayed home and played around here all day. On Saturday I started washing the trailer, it was filthy from just sitting at the deer lease all winter. I only got three sides done as my back just couldn't stand holding the pressure wand up amymore. It would really be tough if I did't have the bucket of my tractor to stand in. The boys just played and ran all over the place. We just went and got pizza for supper. The boys have watched Tom and Jerry on tv all week. They have laughed and laughed as they have never watched these old cartoons. Sunday morning I carried the boys home. It sure was quiet in the house when I got back.
About Me

- Mike and Susan Taylor
- Susan retired from education in May 2011 and I retired in December 2011 . We are not full timers but do travel a lot. We enjoy traveling around the country. There are many beautiful places in the USA and we are going to try and see all of them while we can.
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