About Me

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Susan retired from education in May 2011 and I retired in December 2011 . We are not full timers but do travel a lot. We enjoy traveling around the country. There are many beautiful places in the USA and we are going to try and see all of them while we can.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 30, 2016 Our Last Day Here

Well I caught a mouse last night. Susan was still up but I was reading in bed. I got up and disposed of him. When Susan got up this morning she said there was one more running around. I will trap  him tonight. We didn’t do much today. I went to town and picked up a few grocerys. Lots of people on the lake today and lots of people in town. I loaded my truck as we leave in the morning. We are headed to the southwest corner of Colorado. The nearest town is Dolores which is about 18-20 miles from our campground. For supper we went to a little place down on the marina. Not fancy but good food.  When we got back I finished all of my outside stuff. We know we will not have any cell service at our campground next week.  So sad, but I will get a tv signal. 

The marina parking lot was full today

Elk Creek Marina

July 29 A Mouse, Delta,Co and a Nice Drive

So I usually go to bed and read before Susan comes to bed. I was laying there reading last night when Susan went to screaming, I jumped up and hurried down wondering what in the world had happened. Well it seems that we had picked up a mouse here. Last year we got a couple when we were in Wyoming. I don’t know how they get in but they do. I set a mouse trap and went to bed. When I got up this morning the trap was gone. I found it under the couch but no mouse. He managed to get free. I will set it again tonight. If he gets loose again I will get a better trap tomorrow.  We decided to take a day trip today. We went to Montrose and ate breakfast. It was a little place and it had good food. Then we headed on to Delta. Susan found a quilt shop to go to. I wandered around town and then found a nice little tavern to pass the time. We left Delta and drove back on a little road which goes by the North Rim of  the Black Canyon of Gunnison. It is a spectacular drive. Pictures just can”t capture it. There is at least 17 miles of road that  kept both of my hands on the wheel.  Rarely did I ever get over 30 mph.  There are not many pull outs where you can get good pictures. Of the six cars we saw, 4 were from Texas.  We finally got back home and just relaxed the rest of the day.
Breakfast stop

Mural in Delta Colorado

Huge fabric shop

Better shopping here

It was a great drive

Pictures just don"t do it

Movie Theatre

Need a car

How about a truck
Gunnison River heading into the Black Canyon

Friday, July 29, 2016

July 27,28 A Day in Camp and A Drive to Lake City, Co


We woke up to a cold morning Wednesday. It was clear blue skys and 47 degrees. We sat by the fire most of the morning. One of our neighbors stopped by and talked awhile. They are from Texas (near Sherman) and both are teachers.  Susan”s allergies were bad today so we decided to stay home. She sewed and took a nap. I just wandered around the lake area. With no clouds the temperature got to about 84 degrees. With little humidity it still felt pretty good. In the evening the wind picked up and blew too hard to enjoy being outside.

Thursday was another cool morning. We decided to drive up to Lake City. It is another scenic drive. The town is a small place up in the mountains. We found a little café and had breakfast. There are as many atv”s running around as cars. It’s a quaint little tourist town and I liked it much better than Crested Butte. We headed back home and much like yesterday the wind picked up and was blowing pretty good.  It calmed down late in the evening and it was really nice outside.
Nice Day on the Lake

Lake City


Historic section

Entering Lake City from the North

Susan is not getting too close to the edge

Gunnison River below Lake City

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 26 A Drive to Crested Butte and the Mountains


It was once again a very nice morning. We sat outside by the fire watching the hummingbirds and chipmunks. Susans allergies were bothering her again but we decided to take a drive up to Crested Butte. On the way up there was a road that went up to a lake in the mountains which had several campgrounds along the way. The road ran beside the Taylor river. It was about 26 miles to Taylor Reservoir. We found two campgrounds we really liked and would stay at. We went on to Crested Butte. It’s a typical ski resort town which is crowded even in the summer. Just too many people for me. We headed back to Gunnison. We ate at a little pizza place which had some of the best pizza I have eaten. We had plenty left over to take home. We sat out for just a little while in the evening until we got rain showers. Just stayed in the rest of the night.  
Early morning sunrise

These critters are driving Maggie crazy

View from Lakevew Campground

Taylor Reservoir

Taylor River

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

July 25 2016 A Trip into Gunniaon


It was a really nice morning. We sat by the fire for quite awhile.  We have a lot of chipmunks running around and they are driving Maggie crazy. We decided to drive into Gunnison. It turned out to be a lot closer than we thought. Its only about 16 miles. It is a really pretty drive thru the Gunnison River Canyon into town. It’s a nice little town. We walked around and did a little shopping. We headed back home. It is nice to have electricity for a change and not to have to get gas and run a generator. The weather here is nice and its more comfortable to sit out in the morning and evening, not quite as cold as we have been in.

Monday, July 25, 2016

July 24 Travel Day to Blue Mesa Reservoir

I got up at 6. It was pretty chilly outside. I took Maggie for a walk and then drank my Coffee. Susan was up aand we both started getting ready to leave. A little before 8 I backed my truck up to hook up. My right front tire dropped off the gravel and that was that. My back tires would just spin in the gravel. I walked down a got help from a man who had a truck. It took just a few seconds to pull me out. I then backed in at a different angle and hooked up. We drove to Craig and stopped and ate breakfast. It was a busy café and we were there much longer than I wanted to be. We headed on toward Grand Junction. It was a pretty drive and the country varied.  In Grand Junction we filled up with fuel and headed on to Blue Mesa, Its between Montrose and Gunnison but closer to Gunnison. The campground is nice and we have electric hookup for the first time in over a month. We ran thru some hot weather (101) getting here but the temp was 83 when we set up. I think this week is supposed to be in the low 50”s and then around 80 for a high.  Should be a nice week. We have cell service for phone and can get some internet. Not strong enough to run my laptop, therefore my blogs will nit be everyday. Not sure how far we have to go to get good internet service.

our view from camp

Saturday, July 23, 2016

July 22,23 2016 Our Last Two Days Here

Friday morning it was cold. 42 degrees and stayed pretty cool all day. I think our high was 66. We didn't do much but hang out all day. It was  Peytons 3rd birthday. We are always gone on his birthday because we are up north somewhere. Saturday wasn't near as cold. We piddled around all morning and then went to town to stock up for our next move. When we got back I started picking things up and loading the truck. We had a nice evening fire and called it a night.

soaking my feet

Maggie trailing chipmonks

Peyton  Luke




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