I must have really been tired because I slept till 7:00 am. That's almost unheard of. One other thing is that with the cloud cover it was still pretty dark. I have been used to it being daylight between 5:30 and 6:00 up in the mountains. I guess being farther north and the time zone makes a big difference. Anyway it did feel kind of nice not to have to put long pants and a jacket on
to take Maggie for our morning walk. Susan slept till 8 and we just lounged around. We decided to get cleaned up and go to our favorite breakfast place in Blanco, it's called "The Chess Club". Its an old house which has been converted to a café for breakfast and lunch. They have very reasonable prices and should not be passed up. After breakfast I dropped Susan off at a quilt shop and I went home. When she was finished she called me and I picked her up. We then decided to drive up to Inks Lake State Park and look around, We have never camped there before, Its a huge park and we found several lakeside sites we would stay in. I bet weekends there would be overflowing with folks. We stopped and had lunch in Burnet and headed back home. We did get a little misting rain but it quit. I cooked a pot of chili outside and we were able to sit out for awhile. With the cloud cover the temp only got to about 86 so with a slight breeze it was ok. We saw a few deer feeding along the fence line near us. I had a good day with no pain but Susan had allergies or maybe coming down with a cold. I guess we will know tomorrow,
A Quiet Morning along the river |
The Chess Club |
Our shady campsite |
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