It was 78 when I got up this morning. We did have a nice breeze coming off the lake so it was pretty nice outside. We had a bright full moon when I got up. There were deer bedded down thruout the park as I took my morning walk. When Susan got up we sat out till about 9:30 am. After breakfast I took Susan to one of her favorite quilt shops here. We got home about lunch time and we both took naps. It made 97 by four in the evening. I watched the Little League World Series games and stayed cool. We decided just to head on home in the morning. We might just make some volleyball games tomorrow night if I"m not too tired. Mackenna is on Varsity and Ashley is in Jr Varsity. We have been on the road for two months so we are ready to get home.
About Me

- Mike and Susan Taylor
- Susan retired from education in May 2011 and I retired in December 2011 . We are not full timers but do travel a lot. We enjoy traveling around the country. There are many beautiful places in the USA and we are going to try and see all of them while we can.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
August 22, 2021 Yea, Its Hot in Texas
When I got up it was 76. We did have a nice breeze blowing. What a difference from the mountains where 78 was our high. I took an early morning walk and saw a few deer. Actually it was nice outside and when Susan got up she came out and we enjoyed the morning. About nine I cooked us some breakfast. Our plans were to get home on Saturday, they have changed some because Kevin called and he is headed to Corrigan Monday on new/old job. It looks like they are going to finish some compressor stations which were shut down by Biden. Don"t know the details but they changed the project name and seperated it from Keystone XL. We will just have to see. We now plan to go home Wednesday morning. This park was full but by Sunday evening there was only 4 trailers in our loop. We did do some floating in the lake and the water was nice. It got to around 97 here so we were glad for shade. I cooked hamburgers for supper and we just watched tv.
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Sunday, August 22, 2021
August 21, 2021 Waco Lake
We met Jeff and Susan at a parking lot around 8;30 am before we left. They brought my guns back that I had stored with them. After a short visit we hit the road. Our time at Fort Sill was really nice. We had an uneventful trip except for the heavy traffic thru Fort Worth. It was about 96 when we got to our rv park. Its Airport Park ( COE ) and we have stayed here several times in the past. Because we knew it would be hot we chose to get a shaded sight instead of a full sun waterfront site. It still took the trailer awhile to cool down, This hot weather is a sure change from the mountains. We will be here a couple of days trying to adjust.
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Maggie is napping after her long ride today |
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Susan is starting Happy Hour |
Saturday, August 21, 2021
August 19-21 Lawton Oklahoma
Well, we are not in the mountains anymore, it was 74 when I got up this morning in Amarillo. It felt odd not to have to go gas up the generator and then turn the heat on in the trailer. I actually slept late for me and Susan didn"t get up till 8. We were in no hurry to get on the road as our check-in time at Fort Sill was 12:30. It was an easy drive to Lawton. We arrived at the visitor center at Fort Sill. We had to get a visitor pass to get on base. They have Homeland Security there and they do a background check. The officer said it showed I had a CHL and asked if was carrying. I told him on the website for the park it said all weapons must be stored unloaded in vehicle and that mine were in trailer. He said that we couldn"t enter base with any weapons. He said the website needs to be updated. I called my cousin Jeff and he came and got all my guns to put at his house. With our pass secured we headed into the base. At the guard gate they did look in the trailer before letting us in. Fort Sill is like a little city and really very nice. We found our rv park and got set up. It was hot, it took the trailer awhile to cool down. When Jeff and Susan got off work they came to the trailer. We visited a little bit and then headed to supper at Medicine Park. A quaint little place along the river, kind of reminds me of Gruene. We had a nice supper and just visited. Really was a good time. Jeff took the day of from work Friday. Susan was just in her second day of school starting , she teaches 3rd grade. Jeff spent the day with us and then when Susan got off of work we went to supper at a Mexican food spot. After that we went back to their house . We have had a great visit here. Tomorrow we head to Waco.
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Our spot at Fort Sill |
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Jeff & Susan Taylor |
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Filling up in Amarillo, much cheaper than Colorado |
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
August 9-18 High Mountain Times and then headed to Amarillo TX
Today is the 18th and the first time I have had cell service in a long time. We moved to Amarillo today making our way home. I going to miss the cool to cold weather. We have had morning lows of 41 to 46 every day. Our highest temperature was 81 one day. We made several drives around the country here. We met Adam one day in Buena Vista. He was headed home to Meeker after going back to Texas to get all his wood working tools. We lost Maggie one day. When I got up at 5;30 one morning, our routine was Maggie peed and pooped while I gassed generator up and started it. Well during that 5 minutes she wandered off and I could not find her. I circled and circled the camp and could not see her. Of course she cannot really hear much and can"t see far. After several hours I quit searching. I just about decided that a hawk or owl probably got her. About 10:30 that night I got a phone call (my cell number is on her collar) and a girl said they had Maggie. She got into their camp about 10:00 pm. Our cell service was terrible but we finally got their location down and I went and got Maggie. She was pretty tuckered out. She was about a mile from us as the crow flies. Pretty much a miracle that a 17 year and nine month old dog was found. She hasn"t strayed far from me since. Another exciting thing was one nasty rainstorm and a little flash flood. We were in a good spot but still got some water flow. After that it showed more big rains starting Wednesday evening so that made us decide to move out Wednesday morning ahead of the weather. Tomorrow we are headed to Lawton OK to visit my cousin for a couple of days. For some reason my videos will not load.
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Amarillo |
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Amarillo |
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Sunday, August 15, 2021
August 5-8 Storms and moved back into Colorado
We did our laundry in Laramie not fun but it has too be done. I also filled my water bladder on the way home so that also got done. That evening we got some strong storms. 70-80 mph winds were expected. We went down the mountain to a rest area on 1-80 to ride it out. I just don"t like trailers in that kind of wind. It was over in about an hour. The radio station said we got wind gusts up to 75 mph. On Sunday we moved back to Colorado. We are between Lake George and Eleven Mike State Park. We are boondocking at about 8900 ft. We have a very nice spot . We had one UH-OH when we got set up . Our bathroom facuet was open and when I turned water on it eventually overflowed. It took a few towels to clean up that mess but the floors needed mopping anyway. It does mean I have to get water tomorrow. Internet and cell service is another no go where we are camped.