Well, we are not in the mountains anymore, it was 74 when I got up this morning in Amarillo. It felt odd not to have to go gas up the generator and then turn the heat on in the trailer. I actually slept late for me and Susan didn"t get up till 8. We were in no hurry to get on the road as our check-in time at Fort Sill was 12:30. It was an easy drive to Lawton. We arrived at the visitor center at Fort Sill. We had to get a visitor pass to get on base. They have Homeland Security there and they do a background check. The officer said it showed I had a CHL and asked if was carrying. I told him on the website for the park it said all weapons must be stored unloaded in vehicle and that mine were in trailer. He said that we couldn"t enter base with any weapons. He said the website needs to be updated. I called my cousin Jeff and he came and got all my guns to put at his house. With our pass secured we headed into the base. At the guard gate they did look in the trailer before letting us in. Fort Sill is like a little city and really very nice. We found our rv park and got set up. It was hot, it took the trailer awhile to cool down. When Jeff and Susan got off work they came to the trailer. We visited a little bit and then headed to supper at Medicine Park. A quaint little place along the river, kind of reminds me of Gruene. We had a nice supper and just visited. Really was a good time. Jeff took the day of from work Friday. Susan was just in her second day of school starting , she teaches 3rd grade. Jeff spent the day with us and then when Susan got off of work we went to supper at a Mexican food spot. After that we went back to their house . We have had a great visit here. Tomorrow we head to Waco.
Our spot at Fort Sill |
Jeff & Susan Taylor |
Filling up in Amarillo, much cheaper than Colorado
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