It was another cool morning when I got up. It starts getting daylight a little after 5. I sat outside and drank my coffee watching the sun starting to shine on the mountains. I had some pretty nice views this morning. We had no plans today as we were expecting visitors. A fellow retired Exxon employee I used to work with Don and Wilma Brubaker came to see us. They live about 60 miles north of here in West Pueblo. He retired about 8 years ago and moved up here.We had a great visit here at the trailer and then grabbed a late lunch at a little bar/grill in town. After they left we decided to drive over to the Grand Sand Dunes. We encountered some rain, sleet and hail as we went over the North Pass at about 9500 ft. When we got to Fort Garland we decided to abort due to bad weather and went back to the trailer where weather was still nice. We just chilled the rest of the evening.
My morning view |
Don & Wilma Brubaker |
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